India's Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)

Renewable Energy Progress


Installed Capacity (in GW)

Pipeline Capacity (in GW)*

*Pipeline data updated as per latest available information

Power Sector Overview


209.44 GW Total Installed RE capacity + Hydro(As on Dec’24)

Average Thermal PLFs 67.75% (FY 24) 68.48% (Apr’24-Dec’24)(Excluding oil & gas-based plants)

162.48 GW INSTALLED RE CAPACITY (Excluding Large Hydro)(As on Dec’24)

1,371.03 BUs OVERALL GENERATION(Apr’24-Dec’24)


14,203 CkmTransmission Lines
Capacity Addition
(FY 24)5,960 Ckm(Apr’24-Dec’24)

4.50 %Growth in Transmission Lines (CAGR)
from FY16 to FY24

70,728 MVASubstation Capacity
(FY 24)46,325 MVA(Apr’24-Dec’24)

8.34 %Growth in Substation Capacity (CAGR)
from FY16 to FY24

India Power Sector Overview
India Power Sector Overview
India Power Sector Overview
India Power Sector Overview


Total Electricity Demand 1,626 BUs(FY 24)1,280 BUs(Apr’24-Dec’24)

Total peak demand243 GW(FY 24)250 GW(Apr’24-Dec’24)

20.81%Average AT&C loss(as per UDAY Dashboard)

1.00 Rs./unitACS - ARR gap(as per UDAY Dashboard)


~21.45 Crores No. of Electrified Households
(under SAUBHAGYA scheme)

Per Capita Electricity Consumption
(As on Mar’23)
State (excl. UTs) Highest: Goa3,360 kWhLowest: Bihar348 kWh

Maharashtra Top Electricity Consuming State
(FY 23)

Highest Electricity Consumption Share41.8% Industry Sector
(incl. captive)
24.3% Domestic Sector
(FY 24)



Total installed capacity

(As on Dec’24)

1,734.38 BUs

Overall Generation

(FY 24)


Length of Transmission Lines

(As on Dec’24)

12,97,405 MVA

Substation Transformation Capacity

(As on Dec’24)

1626 BUs

Total Electricity Requirement

(FY 24)

1622 BUs

Total Electricity Supplied

(FY 24)

1,543 BUs

Total Electricity Consumption

(FY 24)

1,395 kWh

Per capita Electricity Consumption

(As on Mar’24)

Energy Flows

*The percentage share is calculated on the total primary energy supply (TPES)

Explore :India Energy Security Scenarios (IESS) 2047

Sectoral GHG Emissions


Ground Water Resources

*Based on National Compilation on Dynamic Ground Water Resources of India, 2023 | Figures in brackets denote assessment units owned/managed by Central Ground Water Board.

Climate Variability - Decadal Temperature Trends (°C)

Annual Per Capita Water Availability

*Annual per capita water availability for 2025 and 2050 is based on Water and Related Statistics - 2021, published by the Central Water Commission, Govt. of India

Land Cover

All listed land-use land-cover classes' data except for Forest land are based on EnviStats India, 2022 report by MoSPI, for the period 2011-12 to 2015-16.
*Evaluation of Forest land is based on India State of Forest Reports 2015 & 2021 with data for the period 2013-14 and 2019-20 respectively.

Biodiversity Hotspots of India

India is home to
4 out of 36
globally identified
biodiversity hotspots
Northeastern India and Andaman group of Islands
Nicobar group of Islands
Western Ghats
India’s share in
global biodiversity
India’s ranking in species endemicity
  • 10th in birds
    (69 species)
  • 5th in reptiles
    (156 species)
  • 7th in amphibians
    (110 species)


Gross Domestic Product
(in ₹ Lakh crore) 0
Constant Price: 0
Current Price: 0
First Revised Estimates for the year 2022-23 and Provisional Estimates for 2023-24.
GDP Growth
(in %) 0
Constant Price: 0
Current Price: 0

*Demography (2024)

Total Population
140 crores
Most Populous State
Uttar Pradesh
23.80 crore
17% of India's population
Highest population density
14,667 persons/
Most Urbanized State
State with highest share of female population
1082 females
per 1000 males
State with highest share of rural population
Himachal Pradesh

*Based on Population Projection Report 2011-2036, published by the National Commission on Population, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.